Monday, November 22, 2010

Activism Log #7

1.I was out of town all of last week. I know the other girls in the group had plans to visit Seminole county to find potential donations from local businesses. They also had plans to table in front of Walgreens. I have informed my friend of the new theme and he is currently drawing up logo designs. Once those are done, I will bring them in to be voted on. When the logo is finalized, I will then be able to start creating the T-shirt designs and fliers.
2.I haven't been in class, therefore I am not quite sure how our activism relates to what was discussed this week.
3. I can't wait to start designing the T-shirts and fliers. I'm really looking forward to that.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Activism Log #6

1. This week’s meeting was held Tuesday, November 9. We all met to discuss the possible logo options and the wish list of prizes we would like to try and get. Some of our ideas for logos are a gingerbread family jogging, gingerbread running shoes and a gingerbread knight. I will be discussing the ideas with my artist friend who will then sketch up some pictures to show the girls at our next meetings. We will vote on and finalize our logo then. Some of our ideas for prizes were gift cards to restaurants, movies, sporting events, sport stores and grocery stores. We are also hoping to score some tickets to local amusement parks. Our next meeting will be November 30 at 4:30.

2. Our project relates to what we are learning in class because we are trying to unite everyone for a common cause. By raising awareness of women’s studies, we are also raising awareness of the immediate need for equality. This week we are learning about globalization and if we can unite the community for a common cause it’s just one step closer to global equality.

3. I’m looking forward to creating the logos. I will be hearing back from my friend soon and he will be sending me sketches. He has been really busy so hopefully we can get this done soon. Once the t-shirts and flyers are done I will really start to feel like everything is coming together.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Women and the Workforce

In the movie “Sex and the City 2”, Miranda’s character quits her job at the law firm where she’s just become partner, something she’s been trying to accomplish since the series began. She quits because she becomes aware that her boss is treating her with disrespect. After realizing she is the only female partner, she understands that his disrespect stems from her being a woman. What’s more, once she quits, she manages to make it on time to her son’s science fair, something she would have never made it to. This example illustrates not only the sexist regime governing most of corporate America, but it also sheds light on the fact that many women are being forced to choose between being a career woman and being a mother.

The glass ceiling is something successful, career women are being forced to face. It marks the level of not only salary, but also of respect women deserve to reach yet never get the opportunity to. It is glass because it can be seen, but they can’t get through it. It is a physical barrier. Miranda seemed to have broken through the glass ceiling after making partner, yet once there, she didn’t receive the respect she deserved from her sexist boss. He continued to literally put his hand up every time she would offer an opinion and give her cases away to the other male lawyers. Once she opened her eyes and began witnessing this blatant gendered division of labor, she knew something had to be done. She, like many career women in our society, gave up almost everything to achieve success, but it wasn’t enough.

Miranda gave up being an attentive mother to be an attentive lawyer. In our society, motherhood itself isn’t necessarily oppressive; however, it has become constructed in such a way by society that makes it oppressive (Kirk and Rey, p. 307). After quitting, she got to see her son win the science fair, illustrating the many landmark events she had missed while she was working.

Unlike most women, Miranda has extra help at home. She has an attentive husband and hired help. Most women do not and they have to deal with the “second shift” of working all day and coming home to work all night as a mother. These are all sacrifices women in our society are forced to make. In order to avoid these obstacles, many modern women have chosen to pay the “ultimate mommy tax” and remain childless. A steady increase in the percentage of middle-aged, educated, American women who remain childless went from about 9 percent in the 1950's to 10 percent in the late 1970's, and in the 1990's about 17 percent (Kirk and Rey, p. 344). Women choose this route because it has been statistically proven that the longer a woman postpones family responsibilities, and the longer her 'pre-parental' phase lasts, the higher her lifetime earnings will be (Kirk and Rey, p.342). And ultimately, in our society, money equates to power.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Activism Log #5

1. Our last meeting was held Tuesday, Nov. 2. After an exhausting hour, we finalized a name for the 5k (with the help of Mrs. Tweed’s mother). The event will be called the Gingerbread Jog. It will be held the third week of January 2012 during the day. We ate up most of our time deciding a name, so we are bringing in our ideas for “wish list” prize options to our next meeting which will be held Tuesday, Nov. 9. I have begun thinking of possible logo ideas and I will be corresponding with my artist friend by email this week to let him know what the new theme is. He will hopefully then start brainstorming ideas as well and I should have a few options to present at the next meeting.

2. This week in class we are learning about women and the workforce and the many sacrifices and injustices women must face in order to be a part of the workforce. Through our event, we want to spread awareness and education of these injustices, and the countless others women silently endure in this society. In our chapter reading for this week, “Making a Home, Making a Living” (p 301-317), we learned of the gendered division of labor. And it is this permanent gendered division of labor that exists in the workforce that can no longer be tolerated. Through the awareness generated at our event, I want to at least form a crack in the glass ceiling. I want to get us moving in the right direction.

3. I am excited that we finalized our new name, although the task itself took a lot out of us. Personally, I am finding it challenging to be planning something so far in advance. My brain usually can’t see beyond a month or two from now. But I will be discussing logo ideas and designs with my friend this week and I am excited to see what we come up with.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Activism Log #4

1. This past Tuesday, the group met for our biweekly meeting and we were faced with some challenging news. We learned that we can’t have our 5k in October, therefore forcing us to redesign our entire theme. So, my friend and I have since stopped production on the logo and t-shirt designs until I come up with a new name. We have decided to hold the event in January of 2012 and have the theme be either a winter wonderland festival or candy land. I have been brainstorming ideas since the meeting and hopefully by next Tuesday I will have thought of enough name ideas to hold a vote. Our next meeting is Tuesday, Nov. 2, and I would like to have a theme and name finalized then so I can get back to work on logos and designs. We are supposed to come into the next meeting with ideas for big prizes we think we can try and get for the winners of the race. The girls will also be taking a trip to Seminole county Nov. 16, in order to begin looking for potential donations. Our first tabling event will be Saturday, Nov. 12, in front of Walgreens. I will unfortunately be out of town for both of these events, but I am looking forward to participating in the ones to come. I feel like our group is doing an excellent job bouncing back from the discouraging news and I have high hopes for this events being the huge success we all know it can be.

2. Our activism relates to what we are learning in class this week because it will bring out men from the community and raise awareness among them. They all are connected to women’s studies on a personal, micro level without even realizing it. They all have wives and daughters and sisters and mothers and coworkers and friends, and by coming out to our event they can hopefully learn how to support these women and the efforts being made on behalf of them. This is discussed in our last reading, “I’m Not a Rapist”, which shows the efforts of young men in college standing up against sexual violence. They all have realized how personally connected they are to this cause saying, “One in five of their friends have told them they have suffered from sexual violence” (Stolenberg, p. 285). Raising awareness among men about can help fix the system and create a more equal society.

3. I was nervous about having to come up with an entire new concept for the theme of the run, but know that I have started brainstorming I am excited to show the girls some of the ideas I’ve come up with so far. I am hoping they will come to the next meeting with some ideas of their own so we can bounce ideas off each other.

p.s. Congratulations on the baby :) !!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Activism Log #3

1. Our second meeting was a great success. We chose a name, route and time for our event. The title of the event will read-UCF Women’s Studies presents the first ever Trick Your Feet 5k to benefit the Young Women Leadership Program. The route is a 5k run from Lake Claire and back and it will start at around 2pm and be done and cleaned up by 5pm. This week I found someone who can make the shirts. They also offered to help me design the logo. I will be in touch with them this week to finalize the design and get a quote. Our next meeting will be held next Tuesday, October 26, and I will bring the different design options to be voted on. Also, by then I will have an estimate for the shirt prices based on the approximate 500 count we discussed in our last meeting.

2. Our activism project relates to what we are currently learning in class because it will help empower young girls and women to take charge and have a voice in the community. By building awareness of women’s studies and educating the community about the important issues that they might not even realize they are facing on a day to day basis, we can help women stand up for themselves. This week we focused on the lack of voice women have in the medical decisions made about their bodies. The patriarchal system that governs the medical world doesn’t allow women the space necessary to voice their opinions. This is something that needs to be changed and hopefully our event and the awareness it raises will be a stepping stone in the right direction.

3. I am so excited to get started on the logo. I am going to be in contact with my friend this week to discuss my concepts and he is going to help create them. I have a lot of ideas and I hope I can harness all of them into one great product. I am looking forward to the next meeting because a lot will be finalized.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Activism Log #2

1. Our second meeting was a great success. We chose a name, route and time for our event. The title of the event will read-UCF Women’s Studies presents the first ever Trick Your Feet 5k to benefit the Young Women Leadership Program. The route is a 5k run from Lake Claire and back and it will start at around 2pm and be done and cleaned up by 5pm. This week I found someone who can make the shirts. They also offered to help me design the logo. I will be in touch with them this week to finalize the design and get a quote. Our next meeting will be held next Tuesday, October 26, and I will bring the different design options to be voted on. Also, by then I will have an estimate for the shirt prices based on the approximate 500 count we discussed in our last meeting.

2. Our activism project relates to what we are currently learning in class because it will help empower young girls and women to take charge and have a voice in the community. By building awareness of women’s studies and educating the community about the important issues that they might not even realize they are facing on a day to day basis, we can help women stand up for themselves. This week we focused on the lack of voice women have in the medical decisions made about their bodies. The patriarchal system that governs the medical world doesn’t allow women the space necessary to voice their opinions. This is something that needs to be changed and hopefully our event and the awareness it raises will be a stepping stone in the right direction.

3. I am so excited to get started on the logo. I am going to be in contact with my friend this week to discuss my concepts and he is going to help create them. I have a lot of ideas and I hope I can harness all of them into one great product. I am looking forward to the next meeting because a lot will be finalized.