Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Making an entrance

Hello ladies,

My name is Lauren Ellman. I am Junior Advertising and Public Relations major with a minor in Writing and certificate in Women’s Studies. I was born and raised in Miami, Fl and can’t wait to move back there. I currently am a diehard spinning fan, wannabe yogi, reality television junkie and devout animal lover.

I have always been interested in women’s studies and gender roles. As I’ve gotten older I feel like I have a better understanding of what it really means to be not only a woman, but also a strong, smart, respected, powerful, classy woman in today’s society. I make an effort to encourage the girls and women in my life to take pride in being a woman and to value themselves and love themselves. I also try to enlighten the boys and men in my life to open their minds and accept the fact that women are to be treated with love and respect. These are issues I feel passionately about and try to fit in to all parts of my life. I wasn’t aware that this class was a service learning class, but when I found out I was genuinely excited. I am very much looking forward to going out into the community and enriching the lives of young girls and women who aren’t as fortunate.

In regards to gender and the role it plays in my life, I’d have to say it doesn’t really affect me directly on a daily basis. However, I have come across my share of sexist remarks or old school mentalities that make me speak up. In my opinion, the only difference between the genders is the different ways society has been taught to view them. Sure, I’d say I fit neatly into a certain gender role, but what about those who don’t? What about those young men and women who have to struggle everyday to try and fit in to societal standards of what they should wear or say or act? I want to be a voice for those people and spread the word as much as I can that they aren’t any different.

I am looking forward to learn in this class about the history of women’s rights, what our current rights are, what are today’s societal differences between men and women and the presence of specific gender roles and how they change from place to place. I am hoping that by learning more about these topics I can gain a better feminist insight and more effectively share it with anyone willing to listen.

This class seems like it’s just what I need to push myself further in my efforts to open up the minds of those tied down by gender roles and sexism. I am hoping it will give me the confidence to pursue a future in feminist activism, because it has always been something I’ve thought about but never had an outlet for.

I have read, understand, and agree to the terms of the course syllabus and the blogging protocols.